College Clubs/Organizations with Ties to the Lord’s Recovery

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This is a list of college organizations with ties to the Lord’s Recovery/Local Church/Witness Lee cult movement. Most of the movement’s college organizations are called “Christians on Campus,” but there are other seemingly harmless names that are used.

How to Know Christians on Campus Clubs Are Recovery Clubs

About Christians on Campus and Other Lord’s Recovery Clubs

This list is in progress…

This list is incomplete, but we’re working on it. Stay tuned!

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5 years ago

As a college student who met the saints on a college campus my freshman year, everyone that I came into contact with was completely open and honest about who they were. There was no “tactic” used to get me through the door. I’m graduating college in December and there has not been any coercion through my college years. Nor has there been any requirement for people in the club to meet with the Lord’s Recovery. About half of my friends in the club know about the Lords Recovery, but go to different churches. My club experience has been people who love the Lord and love reading the Bible.

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Grace

Thanks for sharing, Grace! I’m about to disagree with you, but no ill-will intended, just my thoughts 🙂

I can relate to you on all of this! Even down to graduating, I really loved my college club! But the entire goal of the college club is to get new recruits into the Recovery. I’m questioning no one’s salvation, but the Recovery clubs are specifically designed to recruit for the Recovery church. That’s their entire purpose.

That’s exactly what the College Reunion conferences were for, for all clubs to learn on how to keep from weirding people out with the problems and oddities of the Recovery; eventually, through the club, the weirdness would become normal, but the clubs should start off not weird and not cultish and not about Witness Lee 🙂 If the clubs were following God, there’d be no need to hide light under a bushel and act differently in the clubs, talking about how to handle “new ones” in the College Reunion.

There’s no requirement to meet in the Recovery churches because the kinds of members they want will feel required to be there all on their own. That’s literally what it means to care only about the “seeking ones.”

While I appreciate you could share on here, I encourage you to reconsider before Jesus what He thinks about the Recovery. I’m open to talk about anything. Nothing is off-limits. I could be wrong. Feel free to debate me! 🙂

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)

Excessive smilies are so you know I’m literally not offended in any way and trying to be light-hearted, but I understand if some of this stuff offends you. Please know that I have completely believed and bought into the Recovery at one point, so it’s not lost upon me that this website would be offensive to a current member.

Heather Brown
Heather Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Grace

You must be the exception. Did you know it’s not run by students, but by employees of the local church? This is deceitful to students as well as the college. I wonder why they don’t call themselves the local church college club? If what you’re saying is true, you’d think they would. Let’s be honest, the blind followers aren’t making the rules. The deceit comes from the top down.

5 years ago

University of Michigan and Ohio Stae University have one just warning you

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  bjs03#0432

Thank you! I’ll check it out.

Maya Martinez
Maya Martinez
4 years ago

Please add “Christian Students at Sac State”, California State University- Sacramento. I was apart of this “club” and was in the “church life” for two years of my life. I am thankful for those who saved me from this “Recovery”

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Maya Martinez

Thank you, Maya! I’m glad to hear you’ve moved on, and I hope and pray your Christian life is going well!

Jay Gray
Jay Gray
4 years ago
Reply to  Maya Martinez

Can I ask what was wrong with them? Like I can’t find anything except Christian Science Magazine and they put on the cover “We were wrong” about them.

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Jay Gray

Hi there, Jay!

The “We Were Wrong” magazine by Hank H. and CRI misses out entirely, misleading people to consider the Recovery as anything other than a cult of Christianity. That’s the purpose of this website.

Were you able to check out “The Thread” on this website? I could definitely see the usefulness in maybe updating that to be more concise (and add some items that are more important), but I wrote that to help address what the “We Were Wrong” missed. Thoughts?

Mireya TheCkid
Mireya TheCkid
4 years ago

Please add Cypress College, CA to that list.

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Mireya TheCkid

Hi there, Mireya! Done! Thank you for letting me know!

4 years ago

Jacob, thank you very much for your site. I met these Christians lately and have become close to some of them, one in particular. She is very kind hearted and pure and devoted as a minister to the students in the college club. Would you please share some tips or advice for how to save these people and speak truth in love?

I am currently outnumbered but am praying for the Spirit of truth to guide me as I love the time we spend together in fellowship and want her to know the truth. I feel that God has really worked in my heart through her. If it is Satan’s work then I pray that God uses me to truly love in truth and not deception! I have tried to broach the topic but they are seemingly strong in their belief they are not a cult. However, after meeting other members and research and prayer, I realized their idea of spirituality is eastern and irrational (having renounced new age type meditation and chanting!), not the true Spirit of God. That being said, I pray God has mercy on those who truly love Him and His Son our Savior. I feel they genuinely love Jesus but need to really see the truth, and I grieve for them because they are so kind to me.

Would you please pray for the Spirit to guide and protect me as we seek to show them the truth of God’s Word and stop Satan’s deception from snatching away those who want to truly know God? The Lord bless you and keep you. Thank you again and praise the one and only living God!

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Lila


I’m so glad that you ran into this site.

I know your story all too well. I met plenty of kindhearted and wonderful people in the Recovery, and I hope to one day be in close contact with them all again.

When it comes to speaking truth in love, it can feel overwhelming at times. It’s very cumbersome to deconstruct a belief system that’s rooted in lies yet baited and sprinkled with truth.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes in attempting to hold to truth in love. I’ve learned a lot along the way, but what matters isn’t you or me; what matters is that the other person has to be open to being wrong. The Lord has to lead them out.

Maybe you find this to be different for you, but I believe the most powerful aspect of my testimony was taking a stand for the truth and leaving. As I exited, I told members why. Taking that stand ended up being the seed of many conversations, but only after much time. None of them agreed with me as I left, but eventually, many have become open to being wrong.

Remember, loving and genuinely kind people have been in every kind of cult movement (watch “Truth and Lies: Jonestown” on Hulu; note how frequently ex-members mention the good people). There’s community, love, care, selflessness, some degree of truth etc., and all of these within varying cults. Credit the humanity, not the cult. Credit the truth, not the cult.

I’d love to talk on this more. Please feel free to reach out to me via or my Facebook, I will certainly pray for the Spirit to guide and protect you on your journey! I’m so glad to hear you’re following our Lord Jesus Christ! His Spirit will certainly help you. I can say that with full assurance 🙂

4 years ago

The University of Georgia has one called “Christian Students at UGA”. I was involved for two years and thankfully left this cult.

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Graham

Hi there, Graham! I’m so glad to hear you left. I’ll verify they’re a Recovery club and if so, get them added to the list. Thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Graham

Can confirm! Know dear full-timers from there who serve in Athens, Ga at UGA. Sad to say 🙁 Great people! Not so great everything else

4 years ago

Christians on Campus at the University of Utah

4 years ago

Jovenes Cristianos Universitarios (JCU)
University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras Campus
University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus
University of Puerto Rico – Arecibo Campus
University of Puerto Rico – Humacao Campus

Boston clubs
Boston clubs
4 years ago

Boston has a bunch (including harvard, mit etc) of LSM clubs that are highly active in recruiting new ones.
The clubs are deceptive by purposefully being vague on their websites and not disclosing their affiliation to LSM. LSM has a training center in Boston and pays an army of full-time workers to recruit on these campuses.

3 years ago
Reply to  Boston clubs

What is LSM and why is it bad?

3 years ago
Reply to  Boston clubs

Just to add a few more campuses where LSM are active: Boston College, MCPHS, Northeastern, Tufts, UMass Lowell, UMass Amherst, UMass Boston

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
3 years ago

Texas Tech in Lubbock, Texas. This group is definitely leading students who get involved with Christians@Tech to The Local Church and encouraging them to attend FTTA after graduation. Our daughter has been indoctrinated and instead of getting a teaching job is headed to FTTA later this summer for the training program. They all call it a Bible school but it is not! We have done everything we can to derail this but these sponsors of the college group have successfully changed our daughter and it is heartbreaking. At this point it’s in the Lord’s hands and we are praying that she will see the Truth and turn away from this false teaching. They target the brightest, most dedicated students to bring into their fold. Our daughter graduated Summa Cum Laude with a education degree, has basically walked out of our family, and replaced everything and everyone before university with this group, these people and this “church”. The Lord’s Recovery is evil and all these college campus groups are gateways to this cult.

2 years ago

I came to the comments to add Christians at Tech as well. I think I actually know your daughter, she was a few years above me but I didn’t realize she was that far in with the group. C@T definitely needs to be added to the list, they’re very convincing.

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
2 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

Yes, they are Lauren. And they really believe and convince students that they are doing the Lord’s work. So far from the Truth of The Gospel.

1 year ago

Hello, I have just left C@T and I am trying to get some answers. I know your daughter. Would you be interested in talking to me?

3 years ago

Texas tech university in lubbock has one. Their org is called “Christians at Tech”

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
3 years ago

Thank you for your comment to support my earlier comment naming Christians@Tech as part of a gateway to The Lord’s Recovery. They stay under the radar at Texas Tech, posing as a Christian club for Bible study and fellowship. But they have indoctrinated our daughter, groomed her and she’s walked away from our family. I’ve never been this sad and heartbroken, ever.

2 years ago

My daughter just got involved with them Aug ‘22 as a freshman at UNT in Denton and we are having a hard time getting her out of this group. We fear she will be completely indoctrinated if we do not act now. We have given her ultimatum to leave Cristian Student group in campus and stop going to that wierd Local Church. And we will not pay for her to be in an apartment with “sisters” … the “staff” had the audacity to feel the right to approve who and where they would live next fall ‘23… I’m just furious and so concerned

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

I so understand your frustrations! Unfortunately our daughter hid what was really going on until her last semester and then informed us that she wanted to go to “Bible school” after graduation. FTTA is NOT a Bible school, it is a training center for the Local Church and the Lord’s recovery cult. Have you reported the group to the Dean of students and the office of campus life? There is not much they can do but just the fact that parents do this makes admin aware that the campus group is operating under false pretenses. Can you send me a private message on Messenger? I am wanting to network with other parents and students! This group needs to be exposed but I would like to help you in any way I can.

1 year ago

How can I contact you? Are you in Facebook?

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

Please private message me – I want to talk to you!

1 year ago

Hi Terri: how do I private message you on this site?

1 year ago

Are you in Facebook?

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

Yes I am!

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

You can send me a friend request or message me on messenger- then I can give you my cell and we can text and talk.

1 year ago

What does your profile picture look like? I guess I can friend request all of them. My profile picture is a picture of me holding my dads hand before he went to heaven. 🙏

1 year ago

There is 3-4 Terri McCormick in Facebook.

1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

What does your profile picture on Facebook look like? I would really like to talk to you.

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

I’m so sorry I haven’t replied until now. My profile pic is of our daughters, Maya is on the left in Texas Tech graduation cap and gown and our older daughter is in a green and white dress. Again I apologize for now checking back sooner! Or when you type in my name just add Mercy Ships after and you’ll get me!

1 year ago

I just went on Facebook and sent you a message. There was no option to request to be your friend .

1 year ago

How do I
private message you here?

2 years ago

And I am soooo sorry about your daughter! I’ll keep you in my prayers 🙏🙏

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago
Reply to  Momof3

Thank you so much. It’s heartbreaking but I keep trusting that God will open her eyes. She has now blocked our phones and will not communicate with us. This group is not in line with the one and only Gospel of Jesus Christ!

2 years ago

Hello Mrs. McCormick, would you be interested in speaking with me about this over email or phone? I am in this group currently and I am looking for more information about all of this. I know your daughter but not well. If you’re not comfortable reaching out I understand.

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago

Absolutely!!! I just today saw your message and I definitely would like to communicate with you. Can you private message (Messenger) me?

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago

You can also find me on FB if you are on it too. But you can message me on messenger!

Terri McCormick
Terri McCormick
1 year ago

Would really like to talk to you! Please get in touch via PM.

3 years ago

There was one at Saddleback college, maybe 2 years ago. I’m not sure if they’re still there. I went to 2 of their meetings, they honestly had a weird vibe.

3 years ago

Fullerton College and Cal State Fullerton both have Christian Students club run by the local churches. I know because I was in it.

Jacob Howard (Site Owner)
Reply to  Peter

Thank you, Peter! There’s quite a few clubs in these comments I need to get added to the list. Appreciate it!

9 months ago
Reply to  Peter

Same core student here. Currently affiliated with them as of right now contemplating on leaving though

3 years ago

I saw someone here in the comments asked for Christian Students at Sac State to be added to the list a year ago. I want to ask you to add it as well. At the moment, I’m still in the club, but that’s only because I discovered the truth of the church behind this club a couple days ago. I’ve been in the club for about 2 years and noticed they do some weird stuff and mentioned Witness Lee every now and then, but never thought anything of it until the LORD put it on my heart in the morning to look him up on YouTube. That’s when I saw people’s testimonies and evidence against this organization. Praise God that He showed me the truth!

3 years ago

University of Minnesota Twin Cities – Christian on Campus at UMN
University of Wisconsin Madison – Christian Students at UW-Madison
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – Christians on Campus at University of Illinois
University of Illinois Chicago – Christians on Campus at UIC

Yay a noodle
Yay a noodle
2 years ago

They are widespread in East coast. All the Ivy League universities( young innocent people and money), huge at NYU, Shanghai campus especially nowadays. These are all stemmed from Columbia University’s mother club.

In New Jersey, very active in Princeton university, Rutgers university, Riders university, TCNJ, and those pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bayer, Pfizer…secretively holding those directors’ posting for their members… looking into it.

And they are very active in Washington DC,( based its’ clubs in universities- their classical tactics) aiming for gaining political power.

A former member still experiencing the consequences of leaving this cult.

2 years ago

Christian Students at CSU (Colorado State University) is another one. I was a part of this group for about a year before I woke up and saw them for what they are.
Thank you for this website! It really made me open my eyes and helped me leave.

2 years ago

UCSC Christians on Campus

2 years ago

Add in Christian Students @ USC (University of Southern California). Great list.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I was going to say the same thing. Christian students @ USC (the name they go by) does bible study with students on campus which was mostly harmless & has weekly meetings at one of the houses the church owns. However, if you do attend any meetings at the houses located near the campuses they do start encouraging the conferences and subtly suggest the Full Time Training in Anaheim if you are active in the club (without description of what it fully entails – I looked at the FTTA website myself and can’t believe they ever thought I would sign up for it). They also have meetings with their chapters at UCLA and CSUN.

2 years ago

Please add RPI in Troy, NY to the list. By the grace of God, I am in the process of getting my son away from this group right now!

2 years ago

Thank you! And God bless you for what you are doing.
“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” -Eph 5:11

1 year ago
Reply to  Corrinn

We’re you able to get your son out of this group? If you did, what worked for you . I am struggling to get my daughter out of CHristian Students group. Thank you

2 years ago

I should have joined InterVarsity. Christians on campus are there to lure students into Witness Lee’s brainwashing. Trust me. I was one of their victims.

2 years ago

Add Christian Students at UNT in Denton , Tx … I’m trying to get my freshman daughter out of this club/cult

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
2 years ago

Philly Christian Students has many. Christian students on Campus and PCS have those branches in Drexel, University of the Sciences, Temple, and UPenn just to name a few.

Amber F.
Amber F.
2 years ago

Please add University of Tennessee, Knoxville to your list.

2 years ago

CSUTK or better known as christian students university of Tennessee Knoxville.

1 year ago

University of Kentucky has one it’s called Christian on Campus. They have been here a few years and are getting bigger

1 year ago

University at Buffalo has/had a group called UB for Christ. They were also connected with other college groups/churches in Montreal, Cleveland, Chicago, and Ann Arbor, but I don’t know which schools specifically in the other cities. They would host “weekend retreats” near Cleveland during the semester and refer to these as The Great Lakes Confrences, since all of these churches and groups were near The Great Lakes. Similarly to what others have posted here, there would be a year-long “Bible Internship” that required the “interns” to go be based out in one of the churches in the aforementioned cities, working to recruit members of their church or college club. They presented it to newer members of UB for Christ as an opportunity to study the Bible for a whole year. Attending UB for Christ meetings did not seem harmful as someone who was congruently attending a different church that my family attended in the area. UB for Christ seemed to be tied to a smaller, local church that was more charismatic than the megachurch that my family attended, but from someone who only attended the college ministry meetings and Bible study, nothing seemed blatantly wrong.

Some Guy
Some Guy
1 year ago

The UTSA group has updated their name to “Christian Students on Campus.”

Campus website:

Club Website:

They are associated with the The Church in San Antonio, which is affiliated with The Lord’s Recovery.

Church website:

9 months ago

Hey Jacob, it seems a bit odd to accuse this group of hiding who they are when you have hijacked their name/cause to do a hit piece website on them. Aren’t you pretending to be them so when people search for them, they hit on your website? Seems deceptive. We know the source of all deception.

Javier Hernandez
Javier Hernandez
1 month ago
Reply to  Vern

Took you all of two seconds to figure it out, though. You know why? Because Jacob immediately reveals that this site is ABOUT The Lord’s Recovery and not FOR The Lord’s Recovery.

You can be in that group for YEARS in their college clubs and churches and they’ll still be withholding the truth about their history, who they are, who they’re affiliated with, and all that they believe.

Then when you start asking, they’ll dodge your questions, try to change the subject, give you half-answers, give you deceptive answers, give you flat-out lies, and/or give you weird looks.